Scorpion With Her Babies on Her Back

Scorpion With Her Babies on Her Back

Scorpions are members of the class Arachnida and are closely related to spiders, mites, and ticks. They are commonly thought of as desert dwellers, but they also live in Brazilian forests, British Columbia, North Carolina, and even the Himalayas.

All scorpions are indeed venomous, though their venom varies greatly in potency. This means that if you're stung by a species other than the bark scorpion, the symptoms will likely only include localized pain and discomfort that should resolve within an hour or two.

Most scorpion stings are not harmful and only cause pain around the area that was stung. But more dangerous scorpion stings can be life-threatening. You should see a doctor if you experience more severe symptoms including: Numbness all over body.

Do baby scorpions eat their mother?

When scorpions are born, they have a very soft outside shell, or exoskeleton. They crawl up onto their mother's back and ride there for 10 to 20 days until their exoskeleton gets stiff and hard. Then they crawl off and begin life on their own. Usually, the mother scorpion will eat her babies only to survive.

Baby Scorpions Sometimes Eat Their Mothers!

You might see the baby scorpions slowly consume the mother as they ride on its back.

Scorpions aren't the only species that do things like this either. There are quite a few types of spiders, insects, and nematode worms that also consume their mothers when they're born.

When the mother feels ready, she squeezes her body to her children and lets them digest by sucking from the inside. When they eat them, they also release toxins into their bodies, causing rapid death.

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