The Best Girls Are Always Gonna Be The Most Difficult

The Best Girls Are Always Gonna Be The Most Difficult

 How do you attract difficult girls?

What do guys really want?

 The dumb girls are too dumb, the smart / difficult girls are too smart, and the average girls are too unexceptional?

Smart girls have the highest standards. They

are hard to attract, difficult to attract or even

impossible to attract."

Guess what, it is true.

If not, they would have already said yes just

because you have six-pack abs, or because

you are famous, or because you have a car or

living in a big house.

Those things are good but smart girls are not

attracted to that.

Instead, she will focus on what's inside of you.

She will see how you treat the waiters and the


She will see how hard you work on your

dreams and how you respect your mother.

She will see how deep is your faith in God and

how bad you want to help other people.

Smart girls are not superficial. Best believe,

she'll be happier when you give her things

money can't buy -respect, loyalty, attention

and of course, quality time.

Then there's the treatment of smart girls. If you've got brains and boobs, you're not just a geek, you're a freak. Who's separated from the rest of the team and hidden in a back room. To be visited occasionally for a pat on the head from the cool kids.

Most girls make dating them more difficult by thinking that men are mind readers!

Girlfriend will be carrying face and looking stressed;

Boyfriend: Baby, what's wrong?

Girlfriend: Nothing

Boyfriend: Okay, if u say so

Girlfriend: "This boy doesn't care about me"

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